Friday, November 9, 2007

What does "a comfortable night's rest" really mean?

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If you have always held the view that we no longer need to concern ourselves with pests and parasites taking over our living quarters, it is time that we seriously reconsider this rather apathetic attitude. Granted you might be less likely to find the kind of infestation often associated with beds that are exposed to a more transient populace like motels and the hospitality industry in general. But unless you pay Ads by attention to it's cleanliness, your mattress and bedding could be harbouring various microbial pests.
The dust mite is by far the most common procurer of indoor allergen. Given their size, you will not be able to see them with the naked eye. Yet in any mattress, whether it was purchased just one year ago, or one that has never been cleaned, chances are it could be inhabited by as many as two million or more of these critters.
What's the attraction for them you may ask... simply put, to feast on all the dead skin we all shed on a daily basis. If the symbiosis ended there it would not be that bad. But in actual fact the excrement that they produce gives cause for concern. Let's say you are a restless sleeper then there is even greater cause for concern. For as you can see, every time the mattress is disturbed that's when these particulates become airborne, and are inadvertently inhaled as you sleep. Next morning you awake to find all the symptoms of perennial allergic rhinitis. Asthma and other allergy sufferers are particularly susceptible.

Indoor AllerGen Control

Armed with this knowledge, many of us are often inclined to dart out to the nearest store where there is no shortage of labels claiming to provide instant relief. Do-it-yourself methods for cleaning mattresses have been proven to be totally ineffective. And as for your allergy symptoms, you would better off treating the real cause of the problem.
Only trained professional technicians can properly sanitise your mattress. An Acarex Test would be done to show the level of contamination. That would be followed by a process which includes vacuuming, UV-C scanning and finally misting with a non toxic natural enzyme cleaner.

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There is no denying the feeling you get of seeming to have a new mattress, to be able to enjoy clean air and the overall general satisfaction that would be derived from the experience. You will be pleasantly surprised, and will delight in what is clearly the instant control of allergies, asthma, rhinitis, odours and bacteria. With regular mattress cleaning you can reclaim and enjoy a healthier home.Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

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